Are you using responsive web design?
We’re often asked by customers if we do websites for the ipad, iphone, tablet or mobiles phones. This is a great question, as the majority of website traffic over the last few years has rapidly shifted from desktop PCs to mobile clients. The challenge is that every week there is a new gadget that everyone gets, and you don’t want to have to build a completely new website every time that happens.
This is where responsive web design (RWD) comes in. Instead of building your website to look good only at specific dimensions, RWD will automatically resize all of your content and optimizing it for the display of the website visitor. Your website will be reformatted for each individual viewer!
If you want to check out a few responsive web design options for your website, head to your WordPress Dashboard:
Dashboard -> Appearance -> Themes and then click the “Install Themes” tab at the top. Search for “responsive” in the search box, and you’ll see a huge list of responsive themes to choose from. You can click “Preview” on any theme, to get a good idea of how your website will look before any customization.
A few of my current favourites, worth checking out are “Responsive”, “Catch Box” and “Pagelines”.
If you find one you like, simply click “Install Now”. It will download and install the theme for you. Once it’s installed, you can click “Live Preview” to see how it will look with your content. If you like what you see, simply click “Activate”! That’s it! If you’re not happy, continue your search until you find one you like.
Once you’ve found a theme you like, go back to the Dashboard:
Dashbaord -> Appearance
and go through each of the items under Appearance, as these are all your custom settings for your new theme. Enjoy!